Free Backgrounds

I LOVE Free stuff! So I thought I'd create some Free Backgrounds to share with you! These Free Backgrounds are easy to install. Just click on the link and follow the directions. (Please make sure and read our TOU before you install Legacy Site Design's products on your blog.)

Here Birdie - Click Here

Key Lime Couture - Click Here

Sketchy Girl - Click Here

Pretty In Pink - Click Here

Vintage Blue Birds - Click Here
This one offers both a Header and a Background!

If you're looking for a header or sidebar dividers to match, check our my services page.

Thank you for visiting! I plan to add more soon, so keep checking in! (If there's a design concept you'd like to recommend please leave me a comment)


  1. Thanks so much! I love these Freebies! Now I just have to choose one!

  2. These are soo great Dani! I can't believe they are FREE:0)! You are just so talented and have such a gift for creating beautiful, fun, and personal layouts that really reflect a person's personal taste.



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