How This Works...

It’s easy, lets get started!

After you've come up with your design ideas and decided on what components you'd like...

1. Please complete the Order Form and E-mail it to Legacy Site Design.

2. I will confirm your order via email and add you to the waiting list. Within a day or two of beginning your design, I will contact you with any remaining questions, an estimated time frame, and an estimate of costs to complete your order.

3. Check your email frequently during this time. I will email you proofs throughout the design process and ask for your feedback.

4. Once you’ve signed off on your new look, Legacy Site Design will send you a PayPal invoice. After I receive payment, your design will be installed at no additional cost.

I look forward to creating something special and unique for You and Your site!

Add your name to the waiting list. Make your $25 deposit today!

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